Breaking the Overton Window -- s1e04 -- 20231114



Breaking the Overton Window

Welcome to episode #4 of our new podcast. We seek to provide a roundup of essential news, analysis and opinion. We aspire to publish weekly, and with your support hope to do so soon, in sha Allah.

In this weeks episode, produced for Monday, November 14th, we cover stories related to:

I. the 2024 race for President of the United States
II. the Gender Lobby Watch
III. escalating tensions towards world war III,
including developments in Ukraine
and the Occupation of Palestine
IV. Generation Covid, a new film about pandemic school closures
V. a national teach-in on Reparations hosted by Afrodescendant Nation

follow the links below to contribute to this work, or to learn more about our sponsors, review a transcript or access citations, references and resources relevant to the stories covered in this episode.


== Our Sponsors ==

Getting Your Head Straight: Public Service as an Antidote to Despair

Call Biden! Tell him to
Pick up the Phone, Joe, Publish the ERA!…

Islamic Relief USA



== Welcome ==

Welcome to the fourth episode of Breaking the Overton Window. I am your host, Hugh Esco. Today is November 14th, and in today's episode we will provide a roundup on news related to (1) the 2024 US Presidential race, (2) news of interest to Gender Critical organizers, (3) developments related to our escalation towards World War III, including updates on the US / NATO proxy war against Russia over the lives and lands of Ukraine and Israel's war on Palestinians. We will wrap up with a couple of quick stories related to (4) public health policy and (5) the movement for reparations for descendants of enslaved Africans.

We begin our coverage this week taking a brief look at recent developments in the 2024 Presidential race.

== 2024 Presidential Race ==

Thursday morning last week, Dr. Jill Stein announced her candidacy for the Green Party nomination. Dr. Stein previously ran on the Green Party ticket four times, twice for Governor for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and in 2012 and 2016, for President of the United States. 2024 will be her third run for the white house. She had publicaly claimed credit for recruiting Cornel West to the Green Party contest and then served for a while as his interim campaign manager. But when West announced that he was leaving the party to run as an independent on October 5th, 2023, Dr. Stein alluded the next evening in an interview with Sabrina Salvati on her SabbySabs podcast, to the possibility that she might step into the race. Thursday morning, she made that real.

Speaking of Cornel West, Dr. Stein had stepped down from her interim responsibilities as Dr. West's campaign manager when she placed former Democrat Party operative Peter Daou in that role on early September.

On October 27th, Daou used his twitter account to announce publicly his resignation ___ days later. He wrote: "Yes, I burnt out and need rest from the extreme stress of two campaigns in one cycle. All while dealing with family health challenges and PTSD from my childhood in a war zone", excerbated no doubt by watching the Zionist Occupation bombing Gaza at night, as he mentioned in another tweet.

On November 6th, Libertarian Scott Horton, an anti-war activist reported that "Last Friday RFK's entire field team, led by Rep. Dana Rorabacher's wife, all quit." The information was shared in a tweet responding to Kennedy's cheering on billionnaire hedge fund ceo Bill Ackman threatening to pull funding from Harvard unless its president addresses what Ackman characterized as "the growing number of antisemitic incidents on campus". Kennedy wrote in his own tweet, "It’s time to hold college administrations responsible for the epidemic of campus antisemitism by insisting on zero-tolerance policies."

The host of the Scott Horton Show suggested that "Maybe he should stop taking bad advice from foreign powers about restricting the sacred right of Americans to say whatever we want."

Consulting my own sources inside the Kennedy campaign, I heard speculation that Rhonda Carmony (Dana Rorabacher's wife), may have been fired or asked to leave. But she was allowed to circulate a letter of resignation among campaign staff. She apparently took a couple of other staffers with her. In addition it seems that the campaign treasurer, John Sullivan as well as Matt LeFlan also resigned. Sullivan's daughter circulated a letter explaining that she was taking a leave of absence.

Anti-war activists have been expressing increasing concern with the Kennedy candidacy ever since his escalating and inflammatory remarks in the wake of Operation al-Aqsa Flood on October 7th. Kennedy's statements in support of the Zionist and apartheid state seem out of line with other comments he has made about US imperial interests in other parts of the world.

Some have speculated that a Mossad kill file exsists making him vulnerable to the "One Nation Under Blackmail" treatment described in Whitney Webb's two volume book by that name. A week or so ago, Kennedy acknowledged having taken two trips on Epstein's Lolita Express; neither to the Island, apparently, and to hear him tell it, each with his former wife, Mary and their kids. On page 30, of Epstein's Black Book (which became public record as trial evidence), there is an entry for 'Kennedy, Bobby and Mary'. RFK has also been open about the promiscuity and drug use of his younger self. Whether the blackmail speculation is valid, we may never know. But it seems a plausible theory to describe what has otherwise felt like an uncharacteristic position from a candidate whom we hoped understood and might be willing to expose state crimes.

Twitter user Adrian Bisson responded to Scott Horton's tweet stating, "Dennis Kucinich was the canary in the coal mine for that campaign. When he got replaced by RFK Jr’s CIA-alum daughter-in-law on October 13th it was all over."

At any rate, it seems that the NewsMax anchor, commenting on a ballot measure in Ohio which legalized marijuana, is probably not the only person thinking that "Pure Democracy is not a way to run a country".

== Support Breaking the Overton Window ==

This is Hugh Esco, host for Breaking the Overton Window. I'm looking for ways to sustain this project to bring you Breaking the Overton Window, consistently on a weekly basis. But I cannot do that without your help. If you appreciate the material I cover, and the analysis I bring to the news of the day, you can help ensure that this work continues. Please subscribe to my BtOW channels on rumble and youtube. Please use the form at the bottom of the show's home page to make a one time or recurring financial contribution to this work. Please like, follow, comment and share this work in your own network. Please write me and let me know what you'd like to see me cover in upcoming episodes. Thank you. And now back to the news.

== Gender Critical roundup ==

For the past three weeks I have been monitoring and live-tweeting ten days of hearings in the matter of the British Columbia College of Nurses and Midwives vs Amy Eileen Hamm. A complaint was filed anonymously with the College by two individuals who were never in her care. Their complaint asserted that Ms. Hamm's after-hours gender critical organizing make her unfit to work as a registered nurse in British Columbia. Links to my tweets on the subject, and other recent coverage of the case is available below.

The College prosecuted its case in ten days of hearings this past Summer. The defense got its chance starting October 23rd and wrapping up its own ten days of hearngs this Wednesday, November 8th. The defense spent two days of testimony and cross-examination to qualify Dr. James Cantor as an expert witness; then an additional two days hearing his testimony explaining a report he had written for the case. After that Amy Hamm spent roughly three days on the stand, between direct and cross examination. Counsel for the defense spent a great deal of time trying to compel Ms. Hamm's speech, repeatedly asking
essentially the same question framed using the language of gender ideology, only to have Ms. Hamm translate her questions into reality based responses. Dr. Kathleen Stock and Dr. (Coach) Linda Blade also were afforded a day each on the stand.

At a provincial convention of the United Conservative Party held last week, delegates were agreed on policies 'to require parental consent before name and gender changes can take place at Albertan schools' and to protect incarcerated women from the predation of male inmates.

Our Duty Canada is submitting a report to the Human Rights Commission in Geneva for consideration in the Universal Periodic Review by the UN of human rights abuses in Canada related to so-called gender-affirming-care.

An article by Dr. Rittakerttu Kaltiala was published on October 30th in The Free Press. It is entitled 'Gender Affirming Care is Dangerous. I know because I helped pioneer it.'
This Finnish adolescent psychiatrist headed up the gender identity service unit for adolescents at her hospital, one of two clinics given this task by the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. They pursued the Dutch model. The Dutch model forms the basis for what in the United States in euphemistically called 'gender-affirming-care'. These protocols trust self-diagnosing children to report honestly about their 'authentic selves', and to have the capacity to make decisions about experimental treatments with known and unknown adverse life long impacts on their physical, sexual, social and mental health.

Dr. Kaltiala describes how this field of medical and psychiatric care has been corrupted "an activist movement that declared gender transition was not just a medical procedure, but a human right". She speaks in this article of how those who speak up to challenge this assertion "were subjected to organized campaigns of vilification and threats to their careers". She states that her profession "is not immune to dangerous groupthink that results in patient harm."

She also describes how the cohort she treated did not meet the descriptions of the patients in the Dutch study which launched a new industry of gender medicine. She writes: "We expected a small number of boys who had persistently declared they were girls. Instead, 90 percent of our patients were girls, mainly 15 to 17 years old, and instead of being high-functioning, the vast majority presented with severe psychiatric conditions." and later that "more than a quarter of our patients were on the autism spectrum."

She describes her work leading to Finland reversing course on these human experiements conducted in the absence of informed consent, and similar actions taken by other European nations. She discusses the intransigence of professional associations in the United States to re-examine their existing policies on the subject. She speaks of the reviews which have found that the foundational studies behind gender medicine "rest on biased questions, inadequate samples, and short timelines". She cites a new study which found that "nearly 30 percent of patients in the sample ceased filling their hormone prescription within four years."

Womens Declaration International USA has published a report on its State Prison FOIA Project, 2023. Many states, including my own home state of Georgia, have failed to respond to the requests made of them. Keep Prisons Single Sex USA conducted similar research of the Federal DoJ Bureau of Prisons system and reports that, "As of Aug. 2023, there were 1980 trans-identifying people in federal prison (1295 “M2F” and 685 “F2M”)"; that "While 12.2% of all federal inmates are incarcerated for sex offenses, 47% of incarcerated trans-identified men in federal US prisons are incarcerated for sex offenses (almost 4 times the rate of the general prison population)"; and that "Trans-identified men in federal US prisons are classified at the 'high' security level at 3 times the rate of the general prison population."

== Pick up the Phone, Joe, Publish the ERA ==

== World War III ==

Next, on to our coverage of World War III. Starting in Ukraine, . . .

Ukraine --

A report by NBC News from November 3rd reports both public demonstrations in Ukraine, opposed to conscription; and on a Gallop poll showing waning support among US voters for further US tax dollars being spent to support Ukraine in a failed effort. The piece is entitled, "U.S., European officials broach topic of peace negotiations with Ukraine, sources say". Besides the newsworthy headline, this article also revealed that "(t)here would be no aid left for Ukraine if the administration hadn’t said it found a $6.2 billion accounting error from months of over-valuing equipment sent to Kyiv."

The Gallup poll? "41% of Americans (say) the U.S. is doing too much to help Kyiv. That’s a significant change from just three months ago when 24% of Americans said they felt that way."

Time magazine published a piece on November 1st, entitled: "'Nobody Believes in Our Victory Like I Do.' Inside Volodymyr Zelensky’s Struggle to Keep Ukraine in the Fight". In this report we learn:

"Some front-line commanders, (one of Zelensky’s close aides) continues, have begun refusing orders to advance, even when they came directly from the office of the President."

and a bit later, that . . .

"In some branches of the military, the shortage of personnel has become even more dire than the deficit in arms and ammunition. One of Zelensky’s close aides tells me that even if the U.S. and its allies come through with all the weapons they have pledged, 'we don’t have the men to use them.'"

A few paragraphs later, Time Magazine reports, that the death toll "has eroded the ranks of Ukraine’s armed forces so badly that draft offices have been forced to call up ever older personnel, raising the average age of a soldier in Ukraine to around 43 years." . . .

"Now recruitment is way down. As conscription efforts have intensified around the country, stories are spreading on social media of draft officers pulling men off trains and buses and sending them to the front. Those with means sometimes bribe their way out of service, often by paying for a medical exemption. Such episodes of corruption within the recruitment system became so widespread by the end of the summer that on Aug. 11 Zelensky fired the heads of the draft offices in every region of the country."

Palestine --

Shifting our attention now to Palestine, . . .

Breaking, over the past several days, . . .

Communiques from al-Qassam Brigades report that work on a 'humanitarian truce' is underway with intermediaries in Qatar and Egypt. They cite the ongoing bombardment of civilian targets by the Occupation and multiple massacres. They call to people around the world, "to escalate the movement and continue demonstrations to stop the aggression and genocide to which our people and children are subjected by the neo-Nazi war machine, who pose a threat to the world and the interests of free peoples".

Citing the Quran, Surrah Al-Hajj, Q22:39, the al-Qassam Brigades have reported multiple successful engagements with Occupation forces invading Gaza, destroying bulldozers and multiple tanks with Yassin-105 missles and gaining victory over a "Zionist infantry group in the Shtoula", presumably in Gaza. They claim responsibility for "destroying 136 tanks and personnel carriers", using their locally produced anti-tank weapons.

The Quaranic passage they cite translates to English as: "Permission to fight back is hereby granted to those being fought, for they have been wronged. And Allah is truly Most Capable of helping them prevail."

In Friday's press conference, the al-Qassam Brigades stated: "We hold the occupation and the Biden administration responsible for the slow killing of the sick and wounded, and for the bombing of hospitals carried out with American weapons and under the direct cover of the US administration. And about the lives of children and civilians, and responsibility for the slow entry of aid, relief and medical materials through the Rafah crossing."

Getting our facts straight --

Independent journalist Richard Medhurst comments on the tendency of the corporate media to repeatedly identify the Palestinian Health Ministry as Hamas run, with the intention of undermining the vital statistics they report.

Close to home for me Ibrahim Awad, a local lawyer, voiced his opposition to a resolution expressing Cobb County Georgia's 'unwavering support' for Israel. Following his testimony and that of others who spoke to the governing body of the county next to my own, this resolution was tabled, and has not yet been taken back up. Here I share a short excerpt.

Who did the killing on October 7th?

A growing number of eye-witness accounts -- describing IDF cross-fire, apache helicopters, hellfire missiles, shelling from tank cannons and damage done to concrete structures outside the destructive capacity of palestinian militants -- have thrown significant doubt on the official narrative coming from Tel Aviv that Hamas is to blame for many of the deaths on October 7th.

The commander of the IDF Gaza Division, Brig. Gen. Avi Rosenfeld, in an interview with Haaretz, acknowledges that while he hid in an underground bunker, that he called for "an aerial strike against the base itself in order to repulse" those who had captured the base.

A growing number of media outlets, lead by Mondoweiss, are now openly discussing the 'Hannibal Directive' promulgated in 1986 by the IDF, asking if, as these eye-witness accounts suggest, that the Israeli Defense Force was actually responsible for an overwhelming majority of the fatalities and destruction of October 7th. The Mondoweiss report was built on reporting by Haaretz and Guardian journalists who participated in an "army-guided PR tour" October 11th. Their tour was of Kibbutz Be'eri, located outside the Apartheid Wall, where, as TRTWorld reported, "(m)any of these deaths apparently occurred".

How many were killed?

Even officials in Tel Aviv have begun revising their claim of 1,400 dead, now saying the number is closer to 1,200. A published list circulating this past week on twitter includes an estimated 902 names, more than a third of them with indications of military rank.

Not quite two weeks after the October 7th actions, Haaretz published a list of names and ages for the Israelis who lost their lives on that day. That list totaled 687, fewer than half the 1,400 we have been hearing from Tel Aviv.

439, 64% of the total list, were identified by age. In contradiction to the beheaded baby stories, none of this list were less than 3 years of age. Only 16, 3.6% of the age identified names, were younger than 18.

At least 70%, perhaps 94% depending on how you define the term, were military age, and likely members of the Reserves, if not on active duty in a nation with universal conscription.

An October 17th report in the Times of Israel, states that Israel’s National Center of Forensic Medicine had received 959 body bags; and had positively identified 504 victims, with 297 bodies or bags of remains unidentified. Nothing is said about the 158 body discrepancy between these numbers.

Did Hamas rape some of its victims?

Atrocity propaganda continues to circulate among the global community and is being used to justify indiscriminate violence and the collective punishment which has already taken the lives of 11,000 or more in Gaza, more than half of those women and children. The narrative from Tel Aviv includes claims of multiple rapes.

Former British Member of Parliament George Galloway on November 10th made the claim on twitter, that "The foul allegations of rape have been dropped by the Israeli government." This program's request for a citation for that claim has so far gone unanswered.

We know, from Blumenthall's book, Goliath, among other sources, that the hasbara campaign of the occupation has long pushed a anti-miscegenation narrative as justification for the lynching of Palestinian men.

Its an all too familiar trope to us here in the United States. Documentation of the rape charges requires something more than hasbara from an ethno nationalist and genocidal occupation generating a fog to cover its war mongering intent. As recently as last week, we still had seen no testimony by women claiming to have been raped, nor any eye-witness accounts, nor any forensic reports.

Documentation of Galloway's claim of the rape allegations "hav(ing) been dropped by the Israeli government" similarly requires a citation, which I have not yet found.

Since these stories first surfaced a month ago, I have been asking for the evidence to back up this claim. Until this past week, these claims seemed supported by only a single video and a two still photos.

The video is captioned as depicting the 'kidnapping', is the word they use, of a woman in the bed of a pickup truck. Many on the internet have speculated that she was raped, presumably because of the scanty nature of her wardrobe, at a rave in a dessert where many were dressed immodestly. It seems apparent by how she was being restrained by the men in the pickup that she was being abducted. Hamas spokspeople have acknowledged that their mission on October 7th was to strengthen their negotiating position for the return of Palestinians detained in Israeli prisons. Reuters employed an arabic translator to fact check the subtitles in the published video to find that "At no time in the video is rape mentioned".

The site, hosted by the state of Israel, shows two photos captioned as depicting rape victims. One depicts a charred female body, with the only indication of rape being the caption. The other shows a woman's body lying face down in the dirt, her skirt pulled up above the waist, and her underwear ripped and pulled to the side. This image is captioned 'Nova Party victim, raped and then killed'.

In the past week or so, several Israeli based journalism platforms and later the international media have begun sharing what appear to be potentially credible reports of sexual assault.

A November 10th report in the Guardian, cites concerns by the Israel Women’s Network, that investigators have failed to preserve forensic evidence which would be useful in proving sexual assault. This Guardian piece refers to 'criminal gangs from Gaza who also took advantage of the chaos', and a '40 minute reel of war crimes' shown to journalists but not released to the public. The Guardian cites a report by Simcha Dizengof, a first responder at kibbutz Kfar Aza of "a woman who was naked from the waist down who had been bent over a bed and then shot in the back of the head";

and of an unnamed sergeant with the IDF who reported at kibbutz Be'eri of 'finding the body of a teenage girl lying naked and face down on her bed with evidence of sexual violence'. In addition, Lt Tamar Bar Shimon survived to share her first hand witness account that 'a Hamas man tried to take her clothes off' but was interrupted by another member of his unit.

Another piece, published November 8th in Haaretz cites an eye-witness report of two uniformed men participating in a gang rape of a woman they subsequently killed. This article states that previously, the only "clear evidence of sex crimes has come from accounts by members of Zaka, the ultra-Orthodox volunteer organization that helps to retrieve and identify bodies. Their accounts described many bodies of women who were naked and bore signs of brutality and abuse."

This same Haaretz article reports that "The State Prosecutor’s Office intends to indict the Hamas attackers for all the crimes committed during the massacres, even in the absence of solid evidence tying them to a specific act," charging them with being a 'party' to the crimes.

Citing the Times of Israel report as its primary source, on November 10th, Forward states that "a police spokesperson refused to answer the question" of whether rape kits were collected from the bodies of October 7th victims. They report that "(t)he decision to 'not use time-consuming crime scene investigation protocols to document rape cases has, however, fueled international skepticism over Hamas’s sexual abuse of victims'", and that such skepticism is seen by critics as tantamount to Holocaust denial.

Underscoring the skepticism lent the nation whose intelligence agency is famous for its motto, "by way of deception thou shalt do war", . . .

The @Israel twitter account on November 8th released an audio recording as 'evidence' "that Hamas is using ambulances to transfer weapons and terrorist operatives in the Gaza Strip". Twitter users adapted the occupation's visuals, adding audio and subtitles to present 'evidence' that Hamas was responsible for 9-11, for killing Tupac and for the assassination of JFK. Of course, even though Robert Kennedy's family has testified at parole hearings that Sirhan Bishara Sirhan was wrongly convicted for the assassination of the 1968 Presidential candidate, many nonetheless have blamed the June 5th shooting in the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles as the act of a militant Palestinian.

As Tel Aviv complains around the world of 200+ prisoners taken on the October 7th raid, in July, the Times of Israel acknowledged that over 1,100 Palestinians are held without trial or charge. That same month the UN Commission on Human Rights reported that 160 children were among the 5,000 Palestinians currently imprisoned by the Occupation, 1,100 without trial or charges. In August, Associated Press put that number at over 1,200. On October 8th, as the Operation al-Aqsa raid was still under way, al-Jazeera put that number at 1,264.

Let us discuss next,
The role of the United States in the Occupation's violence in Palestine --

In our last episode we shared what was then publicly known about the Order of Battle for US military forcers newly deployed to the region, since the assault by the al-Qassam Brigades sin October 7th's Operation al-Aqsa Flood. In this episode we share a brief update on developments for our own nation's involvement in these war crimes.

Auditioning for the Republican nomination, the candidates for President at their party's November 8th debate in Miami handed prosecutors at the Hague evidence of our nation's complicity in those crimes.

On November 3rd, the DefenseOne website reported that the "Pentagon (is) flying unarmed drones over Gaza to help recover hostages", as a part of its 'advice and assistance' in the effort. Pentagon Press Secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder told reporters in a briefing that these missions began on October 7th. The New York Times reported that the UAVs are MQ-9 Reapers.

Within hours of launching her 2024 campaign on November 9th, Dr. Jill Stein, seeking the Green Party nomination released a two minute video calling "for an investigation of the Netanyahu regime’s war crimes as well as the role of Biden and US leaders in aiding and abetting them", demanding "And above all, these crimes must stop now."

Israeli expands war beyond the Jordan River, esclates war within --

My sources on social media ??? report that the Occupation lobbed tear gas into Masjid al-Aqsa during Jumuah service a week ago last Friday.

As reported by Novara Media, in his speech to the Israeli public on October 29th, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu invoked a biblical reference to Yaweh's instructions to the Israelites with respect to how they should handle their enemy, the Amalekites. The story is recounted in 1 Samuel, chapter 15, where verse 3 reads: "Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys."

Although not a part of the war cabinet, and nonetheless quickly sacked, Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu, a member of the Itamar Ben Gvir political party, advocated in a public radio interview that anyone waving a palestinian flag "shouldn't continue to live", and that dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza should be an option. The next day he backtracked using his twitter profile to claim that he had been speaking metaphorically. The Times of Israel covered the story.

By the time he had made this inflammatory statement, the Occupation had already dropped more tonnes of conventional ordinance on the Gaza concentration camp, than the explosive force of the Little Boy atomic device the US had dropped on Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945.

As both the rhetoric and the firepower it seeks to justify heat up inside Palestine, with IDF violence in Gaza and settler violence in the West Bank, Israel has also used its military to strike targets on the other side of the Jordan River.

In our last episode we describe other military strikes by the Zionist State against civilian targets in Syria and Lebanon. Ireland's National Public Service Media reported that Hezbollah has promised that Israel "would pay a price" for killing "three children and their grandmother" in a strike against a car in Southern Lebanon. The Hindustan Times reports from the past 72 hours US air strikes against Iranian based positions in Syria; and Russian air strikes against rebel forces seeking to overthrow the Syrian government. And Reuters reported five days ago additional air strikes by Israel against Syrian military targets, based on reports on Syrian state media.

According to the Jeruselem Post, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant warned: "What we can do in Gaza, we can also do in Beirut. . . . We haven't even 10% of the IAF's power in Gaza." and that "Lebanese citizens would be the first to pay the price".

Mondoweiss reported on October 23rd, that "On October 17, the Misgav Institute for National Security & Zionist Strategy published a position paper advocating for the 'relocation and final settlement of the entire Gaza population.' The report advocates exploiting the current moment to accomplish a long-held Zionist goal of moving Palestinians off the land of historic Palestine.

The report’s subtitle makes it clear: 'There is at the moment a unique and rare opportunity to evacuate the whole Gaza Strip in coordination with the Egyptian government.'"

But the reloaction of Gazans into a tent city in the Sinai Desert is not just fodder for think tank white papers. in an article published October 30th, has translated to English an October 13th policy paper leaked from the Israeli Intelligence Ministry, led by Gila Gamliel, a Likud Party member. The ministry has confirmed the authenticity of the memo.

The report was authored by Yuval Abraham, a journalist and activist based in Jerusalem. +972 Magazine is an independent, online, nonprofit magazine run by a group of Palestinian and Israeli journalists.

The Intelligence ministry's recommendation, as summarized by 972mag:

"The document recommends that Israel act to 'evacuate the civilian population to Sinai' during the war; establish tent cities and later more permanent cities in the northern Sinai that will absorb the expelled population; and then create 'a sterile zone of several kilometers … within Egypt, and [prevent] the return of the population to activities/residences near the border with Israel.' At the same time, governments around the world, led by the United States, must be mobilized to implement the move."

But the ideas of the leaked document are underscored by the public statements of Israeli cabinet members who have for a couple of weeks now been publicly discussing a Gazan-Nakba, as well as this tweet by Yonatan Touval which reports that 1.7 million of Gaza's 2.2 million residents have already been displaced by the nightly bombings.

The Global Community Demands a Cease Fire --

Telesur English reported that Bolivia has broken diplomatic ties with Isreal, expelling the ambassador from Israel while calling home their own ambassador to Tel Aviv. Members of the Dáil Éireann, or the Irish Parliament, continue to denounce the war crimes in Palestine.

A mid-October poll of likely voters in the United States show US citizens overwhelimingly support a cease fire and a de-esclation of the violence in Gaza, "to prevent civilian deaths". Republicans and Independents support the idea at 56% or better, while Democrats support the idea by 80% margin. Even so, the Biden White House has at best advocated for a 'humanitarian pause' to allow for the evacuation of hostages and non-combtatents before the violence would presumably resume.

Reauters reported, citing South Korean intelligence that Kim Jong Un, leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea has issued orders asking North Korean military to find ways to help Palestinians.

On November 2nd, independent journalist Richard Medhurst reported that "Iraqi resistance fired at Israeli targets in the Dead Sea (!) for the first time"; "Hezbollah attacked 19 different Israeli positions using mortars, rockets, precision missiles, and drones for the first time. Direct hits confirmed and Israeli helicopters evacuating many wounded Israeli soldiers."; "The Resistance also struck the US occupation's bases at Shadadee oil fields in Syria and Erbil in Iraq." and "This is barely 24h after Yemen fired a volley of drones and ballistic cruise missiles at 'Israel' from over 1500km". He speculated that "The West have bitten off more than they can chew."

This past weekend the Organization for Islamic Cooperation met in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, focused on the escalating violence in Palestine. They adopted resolutions demanding an end to Israeli aggression, for breaking the Israeli siege on the Gaza Strip and for the prosecution of Israel for its war crimes and crimes against humanity. OIC bills itself as the 'Collective Voice of the Muslim World', and besides the United Nations, represents more nations and a larger population than any other multi-national organization on the planet.

The Times of Israel reports that with opposition by the Saudis and other 'Abraham accords partner states', that the OIC failed to adopt a more militant resolution demanding the 'prevent(ion of) the transfer of U.S. military equipment to Israel from American bases in the Middle East region; (a) suspen(sion of) all diplomatic and economic contacts with Israel; cut(ting) back oil sales to the United States over Washington’s support for Israel; stop(ping) Israeli air traffic over the skies of the Gulf and send(ing) a joint delegation to the United States, Europe and Russia to push for a ceasefire'. Imposing the no-fly zone and prohibiting the movement of US military equipment staged in the region were both actions likely to encounter a military response from the two US aircraft carriers stationed in the region. The Trump era Abraham accord seem to have forged a stronger bond between nations, than the shared muslim identity among other nations.

In cities across the globe, millions have gathered in the streets and at national capitols, and UN agencies demanding a cease fire.

Another word from a sponsor, . . .

== Getting Your Head Straight: Public Service as an Antidote to Despair ==

Turning our attention now to

== Health Policy ==

Jennifer Sey is a former C-suite executive fired by Levis jeans for her campaign against pandemic school closures. She walked away from a million dollar severance package to avoid being bound by a Non-Disclosure Agreement. Last week, she announced with a 'sizzle reel', the release of an upcoming feature length documentary, Generation COVID, about the students who were adversely impacted by those school closures.

Our final story this episode relates to

== Reparations ==

This past Sunday, Afro-Descendant Nation presented a zoom-hosted four hour national teach-in on Reparations and Self-Determination. The event featured roughly twenty speakers with a wide variety of expertise on the subject. The teach-in was recorded and will likely be soon published on the website.

== Join us next week ==

We'll take us out of this episode, with three items, a parody entitled "Bennie and the Jets", following by an inspiring compilation of video footage from Free Palestine actions around the world, and finally a reminder of why the world is mobilizing for that purpose.


References and Resources

Sources --

== 2024 Presidential Race ==

Dr. Jill Stein, this morning 2023-11-09,
announced for the Green Party nomination for PotUS.

Cornel West’s campaign manager says he’s leaving job…

Last Friday RFK's entire field team,
led by Rep. Dana Rorabacher's wife, all quit.

Dennis Kucinich was the canary in the coal mine for that campaign.
When he got replaced by RFK Jr’s CIA-alum daughter-in-law on October 13th it was all over.

Pure Democracy is not a way to run a country

== Gender Critical roundup ==

BCCNM vs Amy Eileen Hamm

BtOW - Breaking the Overton Window

2023-nov-08 --
2023-Nov-07 --
2023-Nov-06 --
2023-Nov-03 --
2023-Nov-02 --
2023-Nov-01 --
2023-Oct-31 --
2023-Oct-25 --
2023-Oct-24 --
2023-Oct-23 --

Shannon B - Weekly Canadian Gender Wars Co-Host

2023-Nov-08 --

Amy Eileen Hamm Testifies
Live tweeting BCCNM vs Amy Eileen Hamm

Nurse tells B.C. hearing she's not transphobic, but calls gender identity 'metaphysical nonsense'…

Michael Higgins: Witch-trial of J.K. Rowling fan shows what women have lost…

United Conservative Party has voted to require parental consent
before name and gender changes can take place at Albertan schools.

UCP delegates also passed a policy to protect incarcerated women

Tickle vs Giggle

Gays Against Groomers
5 warning signs of a child groomer, as displayed by Jeffrey Marsh.

Our Duty Canada’s Universal Periodic Review Submission to be read in Geneva……

Gender Affirming Care is Dangerous.
I know because I helped pioneer it.

WDI-usa Prison FOIA Project 2023 report

== World War III ==

Ukraine --

‘Nobody Believes in Our Victory Like I Do.’
Inside Volodymyr Zelensky’s Struggle to Keep Ukraine in the Fight

U.S., European officials broach topic of peace negotiations with Ukraine, sources say…

Palestine --

Genocidal Narratives --


Ibrahim Awad opposes Cobb County Georgia resolution
declaring 'unwavering support' for Israel

Russell Brand with Gabor Mate
Israel / Palestine - This Needs To Be Heard

Intelligence Squared
Israel is destroying itself with its settlement policy

Images from Khan Younis Refugee Camp…

Getting the facts straight --

The Grayzone -- Israel's military was ordered to attack Israelis on 10/7

George Galloway -- The Hanibal Directive

Israel buying influence…

How many died --


#Oct7Massacre -- 1,400+ victims

What else has Israel been lying about?

George Galloway -- foul allegations of rape have been dropped

Shani Louk abducted

Fact Check: Video of captured woman mistranslates captor as threatening 'rape'……

Israel women’s groups warn of failure to keep evidence of sexual violence in Hamas attacks…

Israeli Police Collect Eyewitness Testimony of Gang Rape During Hamas Attack…

As Hamas supporters deny rapes, investigation raises questions about whether forensic evidence from Oct. 7 was collected…

Special Rapporteur Says Israel’s Unlawful Carceral Practices in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
Are Tantamount to International Crimes and Have Turned it into an Open-Air Prison…

Over 1,100 Palestinians said held by Israel without trial, highest figure since 2003…

Why are so many Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails?…

Israel holds over 1,200 detainees without charge. That’s the most in 3 decades, a rights group says…

Military operations --

Al-Qassam Brigades claims it destroyed 136 Israeli military vehicles since ground operations started…

When the @Israel twitter account released an audio recording as 'evidence'
"that Hamas is using ambulances to transfer weapons and terrorist operatives in the Gaza Strip"
twitter users adapted their visuals, adding audio and subtitles to present 'evidence'
that Hamas was responsible for 9-11, for killing Tupac and JFK.

US involvement --

Republican PotUS contenders at 2023-Nov-08 debate

Jill Stein calls for an investigation of the Netanyahu regime’s war crimes

Pentagon flying unarmed drones over Gaza to help recover hostages, officials say…

Israeli expands war beyond the Jordan River, esclates war within --

Israeli strike on a car in south Lebanon killed three children and their grandmother

Novara Media: Israel’s Explicit Call For Genocide

Gallant threatens Hezbollah: 'What we can do in Gaza, we can do in Beirut'

Israeli Escalation and Dangerous Rhetoric --

Israeli Minister Amichay Eliyahu says nuking Gaza an option……

Hezbollah says Israel to 'pay price' after strike kills 3 children in Lebanon…

Putin's Military Attacks Israel Neighbour Syria's Rebels Amid U.S Hits On 'Iranian' Sites | Gaza War…

Israeli aerial attack targets Syrian military sites -Syrian state media…

Expel all Palestinians from Gaza, recommends Israeli gov’t ministry

Public Demands Cease Fire Now --

TeleSur English: Bolivia breaks diplomatic relations with Israel

Bolivia Severs Ties with Israel Over Crimes Against Humanity…

Dáil Éireann (Irish Parliament)

Voters Agree the U.S. Should Call for a Ceasefire and De-Escalation of Violence in Gaza to Prevent Civilian Deaths………

A stunning timelapse video of thousands who rallied in Washington, DC for the ‘Free Palestine’ march

Human Rights Council: Israel UPR Adoption - 43rd Session of UPR

South Korean intelligence says the
DPR Korea's leader Kim Jong Un
issued orders to find ways to help the Palestinians, Reuters reports.…

North Korean Officials Ordered to Support Palestinians, Says South Korea…

Kim Jong Un ordered officials to help Palestine, South Korean spy agency says…

Today Jumaah at Al Aqsa mosque the criminal is-ra-hell gulag
shot tear gas at worshipers disrupting the prayer forcing them out while allowing no one to enter…

Joint Arab and Islamic Summit Concludes and Demands
End to Israeli Aggression,
Breaking of Israeli Siege on the Gaza Strip
and Prosecution of Israel for its Crimes

Muslim leaders blast Israeli ‘crimes’; Iran: Solution is Palestine from river to sea…

Saudis and 8 More Arab Countries Block Anti-Israel Measures at Arab Summit…

A video posted by Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas,
shows fighters destroying an IDF Merkava tank in Zeitoun, Gaza.

Scene of Israel's air strike on Gaza.

Israel and the US are taking such a spanking
they daren't even mention it. Look what happened just today:
see screen shot in images/ path

But Nasrullah wisely decided that Hezbollah could not use the cause
of Palestine to usurp the goals and objectives of Hamas,
that now was not the time for the strategic defeat of Israel,
but rather the strategic victory of Hamas based upon the vision
of Hamas -
freed Palestinian prisoners,
an Al Aqsa Mosque free from Israel deprivation,
and a legitimate Palestinian homeland.

Palestinian History --

The Wanted 18

The October 7 Hamas Assault on Israel
The Most Successful Military Raid of this Century


Bennie and the Jets

== Pandemic School Closures ==

Generation Covid: Sizzle Reel

== Reparations ==


Afrodescendant Nation


David Rovics, What if you knew?

== Our Sponsors ==

Getting Your Head Straight: Public Service as an Antidote to Despair

Call Biden! Tell him to
Pick up the Phone, Joe, Publish the ERA!…

Islamic Relief USA

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