Breaking the Overton Window -- s1e03 -- 20231101



In this weeks episode, produced for Monday, October 23rd, we cover stories related to:

the Gender Lobby Watch
the Occupation of Palestine
the National Reparations Convention


== Our Sponsors ==

Getting Your Head Straight: Public Service as an Antidote to Despair

Call Biden! Tell him to
Pick up the Phone, Joe, Publish the ERA!…

Islamic Relief USA




In this week's episode, we share with you news related to our Gender Lobby Watch; the Zionist Occupation -- 8,971 days since the Nakba and begin our coverage of the National Reparations Convention. But before we get started, a quick word from a sponsor.



First up, our Gender Lobby Watch. We begin with several stories from Canada.

Our top story for this segment is that Amy Eileen Hamm's will finally get to present her defense before the British Columbia College of Nursing and Midwifery. Ms. Hamm faces the loss of her license to practice as a registered nurse because of anonymous complaints by people who were never in her care who complain that her after hours gender critical political activity makes her unfit to work as a nurse. The citation was filed in June of last year. Hearings began last Summer, and are scheduled to continue an additional ten days, starting today, Monday morning, and wrap up on November 8th.

The Saskatchewan provincial parliament has adopted a Parents’ Bill of Rights over opposition from the NDP. It ensures parents are notified if their young teens pursue social transition at school and that they have a means to opt their kids out of sexual education classes.

In Quebec, the Journal de Montreal reported on Pornhub profiting from the sexual exploitation of children. The story conveyed is of a company seeking to shield its senior management with plausible deniability, that master card (facing its own legal liability for facilitating and profiting from child sexual assault) was looking in to pornhub's operations, which acknowledges internally that its 'user generated content' (UCG) bypasses their age verification processes, that they were understaffed for reviewing 'flagged' content, that they failed to report uploaded child sexual abuse materials to law enforcement, and that "management doesn't want the rules enforced as written". In short, Pornhub / MindGeek / Aylo face criminal investigations in at least Canada and the United States.

While we are on the subject of Pornhub, . . .

We had to know that Pornhub / MindGeek / Aylo -- whatever they are calling themselves this week -- would have to lawyer-up.

Sound Investigations last week published a 'Confidential Request for Removal / Request to Preserve Evidence' conveying Pornhub's demand that they (Sound Investigations) remove videos 'surreptitiously recorded without their (employees) consent and under false pretenses'.

By publishing this 'confidential request' to their twitter feed, Sound Investigations seems ready to double down in their efforts to expose the pornography monopoly, its criminal activity, including its efforts to intimidate witnesses.

The letter was apparently written with no sense of self awareness. Its ironic, that pornhub should demand that video materials recorded in the absence of two-party consent should be taken down, while the women and children who have made similar demands of their platform remain engaged in a game of whack-a-mole to remove the documentation of their rape from the pronhub platform. Those videos seem to get reposted as quickly as one copy gets removed.

Porhubs legal counsel must be quite busy these days, facing multiple multi-million dollar law suits for publishing sexually explicit material without consent; and facing criminal prosecution in the United States and Canada for profiting from the sexual exploitation of children.

Over in Britain, Gender Critical books are being returned to library shelves by the Calderdale Council in a borough of West Yorkshire, England. A queer caucus of its library staff collaborated to remove from the shelves several popular titles by gender critical authors, and failed to follow existing policy guidance to order sufficient copies of those
books to meet public requests for an opportunity to read them. After public complaints and an investigation, the Council governing the library system has directed that these books be returned to the shelves. The titles were authored by: Kathleen Stock, Abigail Shrier, Janice Raymond, Shiela Jeffreys and Heather Brunskell-Evans.

Also in the UK, . . . a British mother has launched a crowdjustice campaign to raise GBP20,000 in legal expenses in a case seeking to prevent her 15 year old daughter and her ex-husband from colluding to 'access to medical gender treatment outside the NHS' and from a private clinic or a overseas telemedicine provider.

Early this month, published a piece by Richard Pallardy called "The Deceptive Illusion of 'Community': Unmasking the Diverity Within".

Mr. Pallardly wrote: "This is how a seemingly innocuous term like 'community', often meant to represent disadvantaged demographics, can become a truly toxic euphemism. Tangentially related individuals are stuffed into the same box, and more often than not, the opinions of the loudest — the most dissatisfied, irritating, and irrational — position them selves as representative of the whole. It’s poisonous and erases the individual — ironically all without consent."

And here in the United States, at the end of September, Kathleen Stock spoke to the University of Austin, Texas, on the threat which gender ideology poses to actual feminism.

Links to these and other stories touched on in this program are collected in the comments to this episode.



Hashtag #WWIII continues to trend on twitter, with 40,400 some recent tweets.

Monday, October 23rd was the 8,971st day of the Zionist Occupation of Palestine. In the two weeks since Operation al-Aqsa Flood successfully captured 200+ prisoners of war as a bargaining chip to strengthen their hand and the demand to end the seige of Gaza, the Occupation has killed one child every fifteen minutes.

Biden's aid package request to the U.S. Congress this past week includes $61.4 billion for Ukraine, $14.3 billion for Israel, $14.45 billion for the southern border of the United States, $2 billion to be spent in the Indo-Pacific and $10 billion for humanitarian aid (to be split between Israel, Gaza, Ukraine and the US-Mexican border).

These numbers represent a request for new money which, as acknowledged by administration sources, will largely be routed through US weapons manufacturers to send munitions bound for the intended hotspots of this developing third world war.

From existing spending authorizations, though, the Biden administration has deployed two carrier strike groups to the East Mediterranean, including the USS Gerald Ford and the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, two amphibious naval ships (each with thousands of marines), A-10 warthog tank busters, F-35 Lightning II, F-16 Fighting Falcon and F-15 Eagle fighter jets (to supplement US air power already in the region).

During Biden's trip to Tel Aviv this past week, the white house posted, then quickly removed from their twitter feed, photos of the President with Special Forces already in Occupied Palestine. All told we are talking about 20,000 or more US troops being committed to this theatre of operations.

We are also seeing reports that the Chinese Navy is also deploying to the region.

Israel has bombed the airports in Aleppo and Damascus out of business, leaving Syria bound Iranian aircraft now using the runways at the Russian military airfield. used a deceptive headline to reveal that the U.S. State Department has moved to steal the assets of Iran, claiming that $6 billion in revenue from oil sales should be withheld from its rightful owner over unfounded speculation of Tehran's involvement in the Hamas offensive, Operation al-Aqsa Flood.


On last week's episode we spent time debunking some of the narratives being spun by Tel Aviv to justify the escalating violence we are seeing from the apartheid occupation. We heard further on these themes this past week.

One of the two Israeli women taken October 7th and released by Hamas on October 23rd reported on a video shot as Hamas soldiers handed them off to the Red Cross, that “Al-Qassam fighters treated us humanely and did not kill any civilians, but it was the Israeli occupation army that killed Israeli civilians during the clash with fighters from Gaza”, presumably on October 7th.

National Public Radio and others have reported that Josh Paul, a veteran of the U.S. State Deptartment's Military Assistance Program, has resigned over U.S. arms being sent to the occupation. He published his two page letter of resignation to his linkedin profile.

Huffington Post published a story claiming that a mutiny is brewing at State, where Mr. Paul just resigned, and suggesting that further resignations may be on the way, or maybe better yet, some good old fashion bureaucratic inertia.

The Grayzone reports that Associated Press published a report, which it quickly memory-holed, about U.S. diplomats squeamish reaction to Israeli officials invoking the Dresden Doctrine as an historical model for their strategy for gaza.
In the Winter of 1945, over 1,000 U.S. and British aircraft fire-bombed Dresden, dropping 3,100 tons of ordinance. Veterans of that operations have commented in memoires that had the Allied Powers lost the war, they would have been prosecuted and likely hung for war crimes for their participation. The conflagration killed at least 25,000, with some estimates running to a quarter million, accounting for the refugees which had gathered in the city. Most of the victims were women, children and the elderly.

An Israeli journalist shared a story on Bret Weinstein's darkhorse podcast last week raising additional doubts about the official narrative. Efrat Fenigson, who had herself served as a conscript on the Gaza border in her youth reported on a conversation with her daughter, now a young conscript and also assigned to monitor activities near the Gaza border fence. Ms. Fenigson reports that her daughter and friends from her unit "repeated again and again: 'Hamas is planning. Hamas is training. We have been reporting non-stop. '" When she asked "what happened with that? ", they responded: "I don't know. We just passed on the information, of what we saw."

One twitter user points out: "1000’s of young people at the concert with 1000’s of video phones where a reported 260 were killed (yet) no videos have emerged", punctuating their comment with an emoji depicting a shrug of the shoulders, hands raised in bewilderment.

Another jewish twitter user raised multiple questions which led him to the conclusion that Operation al-Aqsa Flood was an inside job, supported at the highest levels of the Israeli government as a false flag to justify their intended response on Gaza. Other sources point to video footage of Netanyahu claiming that Hamas was a part of Israeli strategy to divide Gazan Palestinians from West Bank Palestinians, governed by the Palestinian Authority. The PA has often been accused of showing more interest in placating the apartheid occupation that representing the needs and aspirations of the Palestinians in their fragmented jurisdiction.

Abby Martin put together a video called: "Debunking Israel’s ‘Human Shield’ Defense in Gaza Massacre". In five points she shatters this argument being used to justify the criminal destruction being waged against the civilian population of Gaza and the West Bank. reported that "MSNBC has quietly taken three of its Muslim broadcasters out of the anchor’s chair since Hamas’s attack on Israel last Saturday amid America’s wave of sympathy for Israeli terror victims."

The Grayzone's Max Blumenthall, commented on the story on his twitter feed asking: "To be fair and balanced, why won’t the networks also suspend Jewish supremacist anchors - not all Jews - but the ardently Zionist narcissists who obviously value Jewish lives more than those of Palestinians?" Blumethall posted four images with his question presumably nominating the following for the action: Ron Kampeas, Wolf Blitzer, Dana Bash and Bari Weiss.

Huffington Post reported that "the State Department is discouraging diplomats working on Middle East issues from making public statements suggesting the U.S. wants to see less violence, according to internal emails . . . , State Department staff wrote that high-level officials do not want press materials to include three specific phrases: 'de-escalation/ceasefire,' 'end to violence/bloodshed' and 'restoring calm.'"

Much of the media want to pretend that the crisis in Gaza began two weeks ago. A few acknowledge the date in 2005 when Gaza was turned into the world's largest concentration camp. But the Nakba dates back to May 15th, 1947. The Balfour Declaration was signed in 1917. The world still fought World War I, when the seeds of WWIII were being planted. The Zionist Congress organized in 1897. Current events have an historical context, which we ignore to our peril.

In the two weeks since Operation al-Aqsa Flood successfully captured 200+ prisoners of war as a bargaining chip to strengthen their hand and the demand to end the seige of Gaza, the Occupation has killed one child every fifteen minutes.

Biden's aid package request to the U.S. Congress this past week includes $61.4 billion for Ukraine, $14. 3 billion for Israel, $14. 45 billion for the southern border of the United States, $2 billion to be spent in the Indo-Pacific and $10 billion for humanitarian aid (to be split between Israel, Gaza, Ukraine and the US-Mexican border).

These numbers represent a request for new money which, as acknowledged by administration sources, will largely be routed through US weapons manufacturers to send munitions bound for the intended hotspots of this developing third world war.

From existing spending authorizations, though, the Biden administration has already deployed two carrier strike groups to the East Mediterranean, led by the aircraft carriers, the USS Gerald Ford and the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, two amphibious naval ships (each with thousands of marines), A-10 warthog tank busters, F-35 Lightning II, F-16 Fighting Falcons and F-15 Eagles, all fighter jets (to supplement US air power already in the region).

During Biden's trip to Tel Aviv this past week, the white house posted, then quickly removed from their twitter feed, photos of the President with Special Forces already in Occupied Palestine. All told we are talking about 20,000 or more US troops being committed to this theatre of operations. Plus more still on heightened alert.

We are also seeing reports that the Chinese Navy is also deploying to the region. used a deceptive headline to reveal that the U.S. State Department has moved to steal the assets of Iran, claiming that $6 billion in revenue from oil sales should be withheld from its rightful owner over unfounded speculation of Tehran's involvement in the Hamas offensive, Operation al-Aqsa Flood.


Irish political leadership, with their own experience of British Occupation of the Six Counties of Northern Ireland, have been speaking out on multiple occasions on the subject of the apartheid occupation.


Irish President Michael D. Higgins on Israel -
"To announce in advance that you will break international law and to do so to an innocent population - reduces all the code that was there from the Second World War on the protection of civilians, and it reduces it to tatters."


The Palestinian Health Ministry which monitors vital statistics in Gaza reported Sunday that the death toll among Gazans since the Hamas October 7th Operation al-Aqsa Flood, has risen to 4,651, including 1,873 children and 1,023 women. Additionally 14,245 Palestinians have been injured in Gaza. Additionally, a report of unknown source but dated the 19th reported an additional '74 martyrs and more than 1,300 wounded' in the West Bank.



Finally we turn our attention to the National Reparations Convention.

We begin this by drawing attention to a new documentary by Raoul Peck, called "Silver Dollar Road". Marketing materials describe the film as: "follow(ing) the story of the Reels family who are valiantly attempting to protect the land their family bought one generation after slavery.

This documentary, based on the 2019 ProPublica article, highlights the covert ways the legal system has been exploited to keep Black land ownership fragile and the racial wealth gap growing. " I watched this film when it was released this past Friday on Amazon. It is well worth your time.

Black land loss has been a key concern raised for decades by advocates for reparations. Since reconstruction, advocates for formerly enslaved Africans have advanced a demand for reparations by the United States for four centuries of chattel slavery, night rider terrorism, jim crowe and the ongoing disparities measured in access, opportunity, generational wealth, health and life expectancy among other metrics.

Twenty-five years ago, a group called All for Reparations and Emancipation under the leadership of Silas Muhammad achieved consultative status in the United Nation's deliberative bodies. They agitated for international intervention to address the plight of Africans in America.

In pursuit of the support of the United Nations, AFRE pursued a strategy of building coalition with Africans throughout the Diaspora.

Collectively descendants of enslaved Africans across the Americas and the Carribean began the process of complying with the international law requirements for eligibility for reparations. This work began with agreeing to a shared identity, and at a 2002 meeting in LaCeiba, Honduras, participants agreed to the use of Afrodescendant, as that identity. In future international meetings a working definition was crafted.

That definition was in the queue for ratification by the United Nations when the entire UN Human Rights apparatus was reorganized, many believe as pushback to the progress made at the Durban hosted World Conference Against Racism.

Today the landscape is filled with organizations advancing demands for reparations, with a variety of programs to advance their demands.

The National Reparations Convention sought to bring together reparations advocates from every organization engaged in the effort. The intent was to begin a process seeking unity among reparations advocates, first on a collective identity as Afrodescendants, but in the work to follow on a common set of demands.

Participants at this event hosted at Georgia State University in Atlanta Georgia, in mid October, included Afrodescendant Nation, Nation of Islam, National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America, Hebrew Israelite Nation, American Descendants of Slaves, Black Lawyers for Justice, Reparations United, Fulton County Reparations Task Force, Guyana Reparations Committee, CARICOM Reparations Commission, National Reparations Institute, Reparations Labor Union, California Reparations Commission, Pan Afrikan Inter'National Movement, California Reparations Commission, Caucasions United for Reparations and Emancipation.
Watch for further coverage of this unity effort in coming episodes of Breaking the Overton Window.


References and Resources

Sources --

== Gender Critical roundup ==

CBC's Coordinated Attack on Amy Hamm

Saskatchewan government passes pronoun legislation…


Library reinstates gender-critical books after backlash…

The Deceptive Illusion of Community: Unmasking the Diversity Within…

UATX: Kathleen Stock: Feminism Between the Right and the Left

Help me ensure my child doesn't medically transition outside the NHS

== Free Palestine ==

Pentagon ramps up Middle East surge…

WH deletes photo of covert delta force team in israel

China's Middle East Warship Flotilla Compared to US Carrier Strike Groups…

Israeli attack on Syrian Aleppo airport puts it out of service…

'Self-Defeating Cowardice':
US to Block Iran From Accessing $6 Billion Humanitarian Aid Fund

A former State Dept. official explains why he resigned over U.S. arms sent to Israel…

Exclusive: ‘Mutiny Brewing’ Inside State Department
Over Israel-Palestine Policy…

AP erases Israeli pledge to attack Gaza like ‘Axis Power’
as officials threaten Palestinians with ‘Dresden’ doctrine

Efrat Fenigson --

Debunking Israel’s ‘Human Shield’ Defense in Gaza Massacre…

Israel did not respond to the attack for many hours.
How is this possible? (Efrat Fenigson and Bret)

Israeli claims Oct 7th an Inside Job

Netanyahu to Knesset's Likud Caucus
must support bolstering, funds for Hamas

Debunking Israel’s ‘Human Shield’ Defense in Gaza Massacre

Inside MSNBC’s Middle East conflict…

@MaxBlumenthal: MSNBC has taken its 3 Muslims out of the anchor chair for Gaza coverage

Stunning State Department Memo Warns Diplomats: No Gaza 'De-Escalation' Talks…


Irish President Michael D. Higgins on Israel -


== Reparations ==

Silver Dollar Road
Directed by Raoul Peck -- 1h40m

Their Family Bought Land One Generation After Slavery.
The Reels Brothers Spent Eight Years in Jail for Refusing to Leave It.…

All for Reparations and Emancipation

Afrodescendant Nation

== Our Sponsors ==

Getting Your Head Straight: Public Service as an Antidote to Despair

Call Biden! Tell him to
Pick up the Phone, Joe, Publish the ERA!…

Islamic Relief USA

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