Breaking the Overton Window -- s1e01 -- 2023-October-09



In this weeks episode, produced for Monday, October 16th, we cover stories related to:

the 2024 Presidential Race
the Occupation of Palestine
the Gender Lobby Watch
the National Reparations Convention


== Our Sponsors ==

Getting Your Head Straight: Public Service as an Antidote to Despair

Call Biden! Tell him to
Pick up the Phone, Joe, Publish the ERA!…

Islamic Relief USA



Welcome to our premier program of Breaking the Overton Window.   This is your host, Hugh Esco.   Our headlines this week cover a broad range of topics you won't want to miss.

In this episode we address: Cornel West withdraws from run for Green Party nomination to seek election as an independent; Legalized Bribery since Citizens United; LibsOfTikTok expose more grooming in public schools; LA T
imes reports on Muslim Challenge to Gender Ideology in Schools; The ERA Deadline Trope is Debunked; the gender ideology trope that Biological Sex is a Colonial  Imposition is quite humorously Debunked; 26 Attorneys Gener
al send Letter to Pornography Monopoly, Mindgeek; Nuclear Tests as euphemism for nuclear war; Woke mob seeks to silnce another woman who believes in material reality; Imam Jamil al-Amin spends his 80th birthday in prison
for crime of another; children need protection from adult madness; Tucker Carlson ignore Jennifer Bilek, Sue Donym, credits a man as the first to follow the money; Bombs for Bailouts: Biden supports Pakistan bid for IMF
bailout, in exchange for Pakistani arms and munitions for Ukraine; Colin Wright offers expert testimony; Glen Loury speaks on When Black Lives Matter; Jo Bartosch nails declining support for trans rights to public expos
ure to trans demands; Biden to build Trump's wall on Southern Border;  and finally, New polling data leads to Prediction that Democrats to pay price at polls.   We have plenty to cover, so lets get started, shall we?


This is an interesting development indeed.   By early evening on Thursday, October 6th, multiple media outlets were reportinig on a tweet from Cornel West's account declaring that he was dropping out of the race for the
Green Party nomination intent on seeking election as an independent.

Of course th piece by the New York Times repeats the spoiler tropes blaming GP Presidential candidates for a 'spoilt' system, as Nader famously put it, and the inability of the blue team and their candidates to inspire a
nd mobilize the voters it claims as its own base.

On Monday it is expected that RFK, Jr's Philadelphia speech will include an announcement that he is stepping away from the Democrats for an independent run.

I suppose we will know more as the dust settles.

This development is also interesting in light of Sabrina Salvati's interview with West Campaign Manager Peter Daou, who used her show a couple of weeks ago to pledge fealty to the Green Party; that he and West would not
abuse our loyalty to sheepdog our support for Democrats.

This exposes the weaknesses of the national Green Party which for months has, it seems, been organizing a coronation rather than a contested nominating process.

It takes contested primaries to build parties and prepare candidates for the rigors of a contested general elections.   A link to the Times article and original tweet are in the description below.


This show is sponsored in part by Campaign Foundations Consulting.   If you are ready to consider a run for public office, be it for local, state or federal, please reach out and lets discuss what is involved.   The polls close on the 2024 General election in thirteen months, but there is still time to put your hat in the ring for this election cycle.   But that window is closing fast, deadlines for party nominations and the processes for qualifying for the public ballots are fast approaching.  Consider please our Before You Qualify Challenge, spend a few hours across a weekend to gain clarity on whether a run for public office is right for you at this time and enough of a game plan to inform your next steps for a campaign launch.   Point your browser at: consulting dot campaign foundations dot com, slash B Y Q.


I came across a short and humorous video, entitled: "Jennifer Lawrence learns how to Legally Bribe Politicians". Here she interviews Trevor Potter.   Potter is a former FEC chairman, who at the time this video was produced [a few years ago] served as President of the Campaign Legal Center and as the personal lawyer of Steven Colbert's super PAC.

The video makes the claim that they have a 'plan to fix it'. Here, it meaning the corruption we have witnessed since the US Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United.   But the reforms advocated by Trevor Potter are merely hacking at the branches.

If you want to get to the roots of the problem, see instead the proposed 29th Amendment to the US Constitution being advocated by Move to Amend.   The obvious policy required to pull up this corruption by the roots is to create a system of democratically and publicly financed election campaigns, as advocated by the Platform of the Georgia Green Party since its 1998 Wrightsville Convention.

In the wake of the 2004 Presidential cycle, the Green Party nominee for President of the United States along with other Greens and our allies on this issue created MoveToAmend to advance this reform being advanced by Greens around the nation.   See the description on this video for a link and further information.


The public school system of Greenwood Village, Colorado saw fit to block all email to any any recipient in their employ from the domain,

Here is how the these campaigners reported their findings: "After a parent notified us of sexually explicit books in Cherry Creek Schools in Greenwood Village, CO, we did our usual due diligence.   We searched, we found, we asked for comments, and the reply we received was classic move out of the woke groomers playbook.   They blocked our emails.   Not a single email went through.   This district is so scared of us that they blocked any incoming email from the domain district wide.   They want to provide pornographic books and groom children of all ages, while blocking staff and board members from communicating with us.   Let’s look into how all of this unfolded."

To read the play-by-play, see the link in the description below this video.


Last week, the Los Angeles Times got the headline wrong, and sometimes over-simplified American muslim politics through a blue/red partisan lens, but otherwise gave a fairly well balanced reading to concerns being raised by mulsim parents in this nation to the indoctrination of our children by the public schools using curricula advanced by the lobby for gender ideology.   Of course muslims are not alone in our concerns.   Plenty of our nation's citizens believe in material reality and that our schools should expose our young to same, rather than the ideological biases coming out of the educational curricula of the universities matriculating teachers for our public schools.   Read the article for yourself, linked in the description below.


Alice Crenshaw, of Equal Means Equal, interviewed constitutional scholar and impact litigator Wendy Murphy.   Ms.  Crenshaw visited us here a month or so ago to attend the Georgia state chapter's conference for the National Organization for Women in Stockbridge Georgia.   It was at that conference when Marianne Williamson (a candidate for the blue team's nomination) became the first 2024 Presidential candidate to pledge Day One action to publish the Equal Rights Amendment.

The ERA achieved final ratification three years ago, when Virginia became the 38th state necessary to fulfill the Article V requirements for the amendment of the US constitution.   So far, none of the roughly dozen candidates (identified by wikipedia) seeking the Green Party nomination for President of the United States in the 2024 cycle have yet addressed demands for action to publish the ERA.

So far, no other candidates for the blue team or the red team have addressed this Constitutional Crisis obstructing the legitimate amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

In Ms.   Crenshaw's interview with the attorney, Wendy Murphy debunks the deadline trope used by ERA opponents to argue that the Equal Rights Amendment is dead.

[ WENDY MURPHY Debunks trope 0m13s -> 1m15s ]

The whole video is only three and a half minutes, see the link in the description below.


The talking points of the lobby for gender ideology informs their foot soldiers that they should reject the sexual dimporphism of the human species, or was that of all mammals?

They apparently are to assert that biological sex is a colonial imposition of white people on indigenous cultures around the world.   Publishing as 'The Rest of Us', an account on twitter made a sequence of posts back in the Spring of 2019 with images of archealogical evidence that indigenous communities around the world understood sexual differences long before European contact.

Its a humorous sequence, and useful the next time you are left to debunk such follishness.   Check out the link in the description below.


Late last week, 26 Attorneys General sent a letter to Mindgeek, recently renamed Aylo likely as a strategy to dodge legal culpability.   Mindgeek/Aylo is the parent company of PornHub, the largest purveyor of online pornography in the world.   They are vertically integrated exercising monopoly control over the industry, from production to distribution.  The AGs are inquiring about the loophole in the age verification process identified by Mike Farley, one of Midgeek's employees (and the Pornhub Product Manager) who was secretly recorded in a restaurant conversation by a young journalist, Arden Young.

Title 18 of the U.S. Code includes a Section 2257 which requires that pornography producers maintain on file, verification that the performers used in their productions are of the age.   In her conversation, secretly recorded, while she went undercover on a  'date' with the product manager for Midgeek's Pornhub product, the journalist with Sound Investigations kept her suitor talking about himself and his company and acknowledging the loophole in his employers' upload verification process which is wide enough to drive the rape of trafficked minors through all day long.

Sound Investigations began publishing their materials on September 18th.   On September 29th, Alan Wilson, Attorney General for South Carolina sent a letter, cosigned by 25 other state AGs asking the compliance officers at Pornhub's parent company asking if the company's moderation practices are skirting the requirments of Section 2257.

The noose tightens on #TraffickingHub, with the filing Wednesday, October 4th of an addition suit on behalf of 61 plaintiff / survivors, naming Aylo / Mindgeek as the defendent.  They are only asking for damages of $61 million, $10 million per plaintiff.   But the questions posed by the Attorneys General could lead to criminal sanctions against mindgeek employees.

Ms.   Young claims they have only posted a small amount of the material she has gathered from Pornhub executives and employees by posing as their 'date'. She promises there is much more yet to come.   See the description for links to her work.


A couple of months ago I came across a video depicting the history of nuclear detonations around the world, portrayed as a time lapse image of the globe.   At the end of September, The National News, Arts & Culture section reviewed a film examining France's nuclear history in Algeria.   The film, "And Still, It Remains" discusses the impact of one of the thirteen nuclear 'tests' conducted by France in Algeria. 'Test' here is used of course as a euphemism for a nuclear war conducted against people in the 'wrong zipcode'. 'Wrong zipcode' is an expression used by cops and prosecutors to discuss the crime victims who do not matter.   For the U.S. nuclear 'testing' program, the 'wrong zipcode' has meant Japanese cities, Polynesian islands and the so-called Navada 'Test' Site on the lands of the Western (White Knife) Shoshone people.   Our nation 'tested' nearly 800 nuclear explosive devices on the Shoshone.

See how euphemisms work? isn't that a neat trick?

We can tell ourselves that we were not conducting a nuclear war.   We get to tell ourselves that only two nuclear bombs have been dropped in anger (those would be by our nation of course). We get to tell ourselves that we are the good guys with the bomb; that our nuclear program is a necessary deterrent to all those bad people with the bomb.   We get to feel good by raising money to cure cancer pretending that our public policies have had nothing to do with the rising level of cancer rates experienced among our populations all over the world.

To read the National News' review, see the links, posted below.


Speaking as an officer of our state party, allow me please to take a short break from our program with this appeal.   The Georgia Green Party seeks candidates committed to banning the bomb, be they nuclear, or conventional.   We seek candidates committed to the peaceful resolution of conflict; and a democracy which serves the needs and interests of voters and citizens and our global neighbors rather than the short term fiduciary interests of stock holders and campaign contributors, be they in the weapons industry, pharmaceutical industry, petro-chemical industry or some other industry which prioritizes profits over people.   If you reside in Georgia and these intentions align with your values, please reach out to the state party's leadership.   Lets explore how it is we might work together.   See the link below.


On September 8th, the Spectator published a piece by Brendan O'Neill, entitled, "The Guardian’s shameful Roisin Murphy review". You are urged to read the entire piece, linked below in the description of this program.   But here I wish to share just two paragraphs of Mr.   O'Neill's prose.

"The Guardian review speaks of Hit Parade as if it were morally corrupted art, an ethically compromised record that many will struggle to enjoy.   Unless you were one of the ‘tiny, privileged industry contingent’ who heard this record before Murphy opened her big gob about puberty blockers, you may not be able to ‘cultivate a relationship with Hit Parade free from this association’, it says."

"This, to be blunt, is insane.   Most discussions about separating the art from the artist revolve around long-dead painters who abused young women or composers with fishy far-right views.   Here we are talking about a singer who wants to protect children from harm.   That such a perfectly normal and good moral instinct has been rebranded as ‘bigotry’ is all the proof we need that society’s self-styled moral guardians have lost every bit of the plot."

Imam Jamil, wrongfully convicted, spends 80th birthday in prison for crime of another

Imam Jamil al-Amin, known before his reversion to Islam as H. Rap Brown, has for roughly twenty years now been serving the first of two consecutive life sentences for a crime he did not commit.

We know this because Imam Jamil was driving to Alabama when the cops were shot down the street from the West End Community Masjid where he served at the time as resident Iman.   We know this because the trigger man who killed the Fulton County Sheriff's Deupty, the one with the scars matching the gun shot wound the surviving officer swore he made in the assailants abdomen, the one who matches by height and eye color the description in the incident report; that trigger man has three times testified under oath that he shot Deupty Kitchens that night: once on the stand and twice more in sworn affidavits.

Wednesday, October 4th was Imam Jamil's 80th birthday.   And the Imam Jamil Action Network, which is campaigning for the Imam's release celebrated the event with a caravan and canvassing activities to educate the public about this travesty of justice.

If you'd like to help right this wrong, see the link in the notes below to the ImamJamilActionNetwork - dot - org website.


Back again to the Spectator, and this time for a September 9th piece by Lionel Shriver, called: "Children need Protection from Adult Madness".

Again quoting from his article, . . .

"The trans mania took off in 2013, and I didn’t stick my neck out in public on the issue until 2016. Although the unwritten prohibition on saying a single discouraging word about the transgenderism craze didn’t partially lift until around 2021, I’m still not proud that I kept my journalistic mouth shut for three years.   But then, even in 2016 observing ‘this is completely nuts’ could have been career-ending, and it still paints a bullseye on one’s forehead."

Shriver continues, "We’re an adaptive species, and it’s possible to get used to anything.  Hence it takes daily application to maintain a crucial incredulity.   On a dime, the entire western world became obsessed with drastic medication and gratuitous cosmetic surgery to allow tens of thousands of mostly young people to pretend to be the opposite sex.   There will be hell to pay in the fullness of time, but not soon enough.   The Texan families complaining on the American news that they can’t get their kids poorly researched off-label puberty blockers, irreversible cross-sex hormones and permanently mangling surgeries don’t know how lucky they are."

End quote.   This is Hugh here, speaking for myself again.   I would not stumble into this issue until 2018. And it would be 2019 before I began to test the waters to speak publicly on the subject.   The more that the bullies for gender ideology sought to shut down first the questions and then the evidence I brought to the conversation, the more emboldend I became to continue to study the issue and to speak out publicly to share what I was learning.   Even if we were to pretend that this misogynist attack on the sex-based rights of women did not matter [and it does, very much], it baffles the brain to comprehend how people can defend this attack on the physical, mental and emotional health of children.

See the link below to read the rest of his piece.


In a piece published Wednesday, October 4th, Tucker Carlson interviewed Chris Moritz on what Moritz calls Trans, Inc., and Carlson's producer calls a 'full-blown industry'. In this 48 minute interview, Moritz does a good job of connecting many dots, and reviewing what many of us are already aware of.   Carlson feigns surprise, that he is unaware of the material covered here, and credits Moritz as being the first to follow the money on the gender medicine industry.   Of course that is true if you ignore the years of work by folks like Jennifer Bilek and Sue Donym.

What Moritz brings to the conversation which may be new, is perhaps some updated numbers on the market research.   But perhaps Ms.   Bilek has already covered those numbers in some of her more recent articles which I have not yet read.   Moritz also draws a rarely discussed if not unique observation of a parallel with the pharmaceutical industry's pushing aderall two decades ago, using teachers to prime the pipeline driving students through an ADHD diagnosis into pharma's customer base.   As Rev.   Zack Lyde, a former chairman of the Georgia Green Party often put it, "Raised on Ritilin, Ripened for crack".

Moritz is not the first person to discuss the role of Obama Administration's Affordable Care Act for requiring the insurance industry to provide coverage for so-called 'medically necessary gender affirming care', though honestly not enough people are discussing the implications of this policy reform.

But now that a man has taken a look at the money, I guess its ok that we look at these links.   Sorry Jennifer and Sue.   Guess you were not equipped to be acknowledged for your work on that.

If you want to see the interview for yourself, the link is in the usual place.


Last month, the Intercept ran a piece by Ryan Grims on some recent developments in Pakistan.   This is how Democracy Now reported on the story:

"The Biden administration helped Pakistan get a controversial new bailout from the International Monetary Fund after Pakistan agreed to secretly sell arms to the United States for the war in Ukraine, according to a new blockbuster report by The Intercept. The deal allows Pakistan to sell some $900 million in munitions while keeping IMF loans flowing to the government in Islamabad amid a spiraling economic crisis, which is driven at least partly by the austerity measures imposed by the IMF loan.   Pakistan’s position on the war in Ukraine has shifted significantly since Russia’s invasion and the ouster of Prime Minister Imran Khan, who was removed from office in 2022 under pressure from U.S. diplomats who objected to his 'aggressively neutral' stance on the war [in Ukraine]. Khan is now imprisoned in Pakistan on corruption charges.   Meanwhile, the caretaker government backed by Pakistan’s powerful military has delayed planned elections, widely seen as an attempt to block Khan’s supporters from power. 'When the United States has a primary foreign policy objective, in particular when it’s a war, everything else falls away.   That’s what you’re seeing in Pakistan now,' says The Intercept’s Ryan Grim."


Evolutionary biologist Colin Wrights was invited by the Texas Attorney General's office to serve as an expert witness in an Austin trial to defend implementation of Texas Senate Bill 14, intended to protect minors from experimental procedures marketed direct to youth as consumers as 'gender affirming care'. Dr.   Wright describes the experience as 'nothing short of surreal'.

He writes: 'Defending the binary nature of sex in court will become increasingly important as more states consider implementing age restrictions on hormonal and surgical sex-trait modification.   This is because the depiction of sex as a haphazard collection of sex-related traits—instead of being tied to reproductive function—forms a central tenet of gender ideology.'

In the description below, we link to a transcript of his expert testimony.


Last year, Bradley Smith, 2022 Georgia Green Party nominee for State Representative for the 106th District in Gwinnett County and then a member of the Georgia Green Party's state committee joined a party conference call to report that he had, that afternoon, walked up to a Memorial Drive (DeKalb County, Georgia) bus stop to find that he had just missed a gang-related drive-by murder.

The only witness to the act, a moment later left the body laying on the side of the road to board a bus, unwilling to risk an encounter with the police.   Bradley dialed 911 and spent his afternoon being interviewed by cops about a murder he had not witnessed, and the witness who had not stuck around.

Over the nearly three years I have so far worked with Mr.   Smith, he has done much by sharing from his own personal history to fill in the details for me about the corruption of local law enforcement, the local music scene and the criminal gangs of Atlanta, where he was born and raised, where he now raises a daughter who is attending our local public schools.

I was reminded of stories Bradley shared as I listened to Professor Loury, of Chicago, deliver a talk from seven years ago, called: "When Black Lives Matter: On the Persistence of Racial Inequality in America".

Now the host of The Glenn Show, Mr.   Loury used this address to a classroom of young students to advance his call that we, but particularly that black folks, reject rosy self-serving narratives, take a long hard look at the facts on the ground and pursue a nuanced approach to advance the interests of black people in this nation.

[ GLENN LOURY makes his challenge to engage thoughtfully on issues he raises]

You can watch the entire program from the link provided below.


I want to share some of Jo Bartosch observations shared on September 30th in Spiked Magazine.   Her piece is called: "Brits are turning against gender ideology". Here is some of what she wrote:

"This attitudinal shift is not prompted by ‘toxic’ reporting or ‘political manipulation’. It’s actually prompted by a greater understanding of ‘transgender issues’. And here Kelley is correct – news coverage has made a difference.   It has made us aware of what the cause of trans rights actually entails."

"So, as stories like that of double rapist Adam Graham (aka Isla Bryson), a man who was put in a women’s prison, have received column inches in the British press, public opinion has begun to shift."

"Furthermore, in the face of obvious injustices, such as men triumphing in women’s sporting competitions and winning female-only awards, accusations of ‘transphobia’ have lost their power to silence would-be dissenters.   The public is gradually waking up to the reality of transgender ideology and they don’t like it."

A bit later she writes: "The cause of LGB rights is very different to that of ‘trans rights’. Gay liberation was a fight to achieve legal parity with heterosexuals.   The fight for trans rights is not about fairness or legal parity.  It’s about allowing children to be put on experimental, puberty-blocking drugs, advocating for taxpayer-funded cosmetic surgery and, above all, demanding that the rights of other groups, especially women, are infringed upon."

"These illiberal and dangerous demands have been pushed by trans activists, not those advocating for LGB rights.   As Kate Barker, chief executive officer of LGB Alliance, the only charity advocating exclusively for same-sex attracted people, explains, the battle for equality for gay and lesbian people has largely been won.   If there is a growing threat to gay and lesbian rights today, it comes precisely from trans activists."

As usual, the link is below.


Our next story is taken from a report on Thursday, the 5th of October, published by APnews, entitled "The Biden administration says it is using executive power to allow border wall construction in Texas".

Its so often difficult to distinguish one corporate party from another.   They each serve the same financial interests.  And of course far too little is said about the U.S. imperial and economic aggression which has created this refugee crisis to begin with.

The Federation for American Immigration Reform seems to approve.

They are quoted here: 'Having made that concession, the administration needs to immediately begin construction of (a) wall across the border to prevent the illegal traffic from simply moving to other areas of the border.' Apparently 25 miles of fencing across a single county is not sufficient for them.   Apparently they have never heard of the taller ladder dilemma.

We called Obama the Deporter-in-Chief for a reason.   Perhaps it is left to Biden and the Democrats to build the wall they so often opposed when it was in Trump's hands.

At least one Congressional Democrat seems to understand: 'A border wall is a 14th century solution to a 21st century problem.   It will not bolster border security in Starr County,' U.S. Representative Henry Cuellar said in a statement. 'I continue to stand against the wasteful spending of taxpayer dollars on an ineffective border wall.'

AP News reports: "Political proponents of the border wall said the waivers should be used as a launching pad for a shift in policy."

By contrast, the Platform of the Georgia Green Party states:

"The Georgia Green Party advocates policies which recognize the role of corporate global trade policies in creating a growing humanitarian crisis which drives so much immigration, particularly by the undocumented.   We advocate policies which will protect immigrant workers, including their right to unify with their families and which will provide a reasonable path to citizenship, including to those currently in the country without documents.   We urge that 'matricula consular' be recognized as a suitable substitute for social security numbers for payroll purposes and American employers be entitled to hire immigrants from border (including Caribbean) nations as well as work-permitted immigrants from other nations."

"We support the full access of immigrant workers and their families to the public educational system, to access driver's licenses, to own property, open bank accounts and to enter into binding contracts.   We would guarantee the freedom to travel, including the freedom to enter and re-enter the country.  We would end the carnage of illegal border crossings, the exploitation of immigrant workers and the pitting of citizens against guest workers in a race to the bottom with respect to wages and working conditions."


In our final story this week, . . .

Its a shame that a captured national green party betrayed its own values to shut down the debate within our ranks being demanded, according to this piece from the LGB Alliance, by the Liberal Patriot of the Democrats.   Their demands of the Democrats (not the Greens) are backed up by a survey of 6,000 participants conducted by the Survey Center on American Life.   Another polls notes that even the youngest voters are rejecting the gender ideology narrative.

Greens might have benefited at the polls from the Democrats embrace of gender ideology, had our national party not been similarly captured.

To quote the article by Matt Osborne on the subject, "Or consider the question of transgender athletes participating in team sports.   Should 'transgender athletes… be able to play on sports teams that match their current gender identity' or should they 'only be allowed to play on sports teams that match their birth gender?  By a staggering 75 to 20 percent, those who dislike both Trump and Biden but currently can’t choose between them, choose the second option, that sports team participation should be determined by birth gender."

Osborne continues, "A new poll from PRRI finds that more Americans now say that gender is binary, and the increase is especially pronounced among young adults."

"In fact, no generation shifted more dramatically than Generation Z. In 2021, just 43 percent of Gen Zers thought that gender was binary.   Today, that number has increased to 57 percent—a 14-point increase over the last two years."

"Voting profiles that Democrats were depending on for their electoral future — young people, minorities, women, lesbian and gay Americans — do not share the same interests as the elite caste which demands ideological fealty to the cult of trans.   Small changes add up.   Americans increasingly feel confronted by gender ideology and reactive to it."

"Right now, Democrats are the husband married to the Munchausen mom.   Ruy Teixeira and Daniel Cox are friends telling the dad to get a divorce, but he can’t listen, can’t let himself think about it too much, can’t say anything, for fear that his wife will take the kids to California and let Scott Wiener cut their bits off."

"Democrats will have to figure it out.   They will have to hold the debate, and prepare to debate Republicans, because the science is coming quite unsettled and the voters are not down with the Pride clowns."

So that was Matt Osborne writing for The Distance Mag dot com.

Its too bad that the Green Party did not have enough respect for its own values to allow for an internal debate on these issues three years ago.   Had there been more adults in the room, we might have been positioned to benefit from this fumble by the Democrats among the now politically homeless equally uncomfortable with the options offered up by the Republicans.


Thank you for joining us for our premier episode of Breaking the Overton Window.

Today is Monday, October 9th, and this has been a wrap up of the important stories which came to our attention this past week.   Until next week, I'm signinig off with greetings of peace, as-salaamu alaykum, Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh.

References and Resources


Cornel West, Dropping Green Party, Will Run as an Independent…

Cornel West's tweet:

Jennifer Lawrence learns how to Legally Bribe Politicians


School district blocks Libs of TikTok domain
after being confronted about pornographic books they're offering kids

As Muslims statuts as political punching bag fades, some are fighting against LGBTQ+ acceptance…

ERA Deadline Debunked: Wendy Murphy explains it all to Alice Crenshaw

Debunking trope that sexual dimorphism is a European colonial imposition

Journalist Arden Young

Attorney General Alan Wilson letter to Pornhub……

A Time-Lapse Map of Every Nuclear Explosion Since 1945 - by Isao Hashimoto

Film examines France's nuclear history in Algeria
Documentary gives voice to villagers who lived through explosions and still suffer from deadly effects…

The Guardian’s shameful Roisin Murphy review…

Take Action to Free Imam Jamil

Tucker interviews Chris Moritz on "Gender Affirming Care"

Colin Wright on the witness stand.…

Glenn Loury - When Black Lives Matter:
On the Persistence of Racial Inequality in America

The Biden administration says it is using executive power to allow border wall construction in Texas…

Platform of the Georgia Green Party

More Polls Show Voters Will Punish Democrats
For Pushing An Extreme 'Trans' Agenda

Brits are turning against gender ideology
Ordinary people are swiftly waking up to the threat posed by 'trans rights'.…

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